Arcadia SIT

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Within the framework of several INTERREG and CROSS BORDER projects, ARCADIA has supported solutions, guidelines and systems to increase the influx of tourists through the dissemination of information on the area's attractions by setting up an IT platform for data collection, management and dissemination. In this way, the tourist offer is promoted through the presentation of the area's values and the cultural heritage of the cities and through networks, is managed by tools to support the tour operators.

An adequate tourism management system must necessarily:

It is necessary to carry out the SWOT analysis of the area to identify the main attractions, to plan the sector's development strategy (objectives, projects, grant foundations) in the various areas, to collect data and set up a centralised database, where information on historical and cultural heritage, beauty, traditions, accommodation, catering, cultural activities, fairs and festivals, sports activities, typical products, etc. will be organised and managed.

In addition, it is necessary to develop communication tools, based on a multi-device web platform, to support tourist visits and accessibility, to choose thematic itineraries of interest to each individual tourist, and to develop communication tools that allow the content of the dissemination portal to be updated.

The role of digital maps

Maps are the connecting element of all the information organised in the database and allow their geographical localisation, and also the creation of relationships between them, such as estimating distances and organising tours and routes. By their nature, they are a basic medium for various information and provide easy reference tools.

The creation of interactive digital maps accessible via the Internet from the geoportal (Gnext - WebGIS) multi-device (web, tablet, smartphone) is of fundamental importance in the tourism sector as they offer a simple and immediate form of consultation by tourists, without requiring any technological expertise.

Moreover, starting from the map, it is possible to build thematic routes and consult all the information related to the element of interest (descriptive card, photographs, videos, days and hours of opening, products, ...), depending on the type of element. This allows the tourist, who can access all the information also from a smartphone, to organise their tour according to their interests.

The role of the communication system

The geoportal integrated with an efficient communication system allows the best management of the tourist resource, even if some elements are unchangeable in time (e.g. position of a museum) while others can be changed (e.g. fairs). The relationships between the information and the elements on the map are much more complex, in fact information, such as opening hours or presence of temporary exhibitions, make the elements on the map change both position and related information.

An advanced management system like the one implemented in Gnext allows the connection and development of different modules for collecting, editing and disseminating information. Communication between tour operators, management bodies and tourists makes it possible to create a dynamic tourism offer, capable of withstanding unforeseen variations (e.g. adverse weather events) by offering alternatives to the tourist, or by lightening the tourist burden in areas of high influx, by proposing alternative itineraries to avoid overcrowding in order to offer a pleasant 'customer experience' and making tourism sustainable for the environment and the local population.

CLIENTE: Various EU Bodies