Quality control of forest and pasture area data on a cadastral basis for the revision and production of the Albanian forest map, and the management of title deeds with the aim of supporting the central Albanian land registry in implementation of the law on the restitution and compensation of property.
The project implemented in two phases covered all Albanian municipalities totalling more than 1,800 cadastral areas.
Under the contract defined with the Ministry of Tourism and Environment of Albania as the beneficiary of the fund provided by the World Bank, ARCADIA SIT provided the following services:
- Analysis of the database and contents of ALBSREP (Albania Land Registry Management System)
- Participation in the drafting of the quality control manual to update the methodology, mainly based on the interpretation of orthophotos of forest and pasture areas
- Verification and revision of cartographic data relating to the boundaries of cadastral zones and cadastral parcels for photo-interpretation, in compliance with INSPIRE regulations and in particular for this phase:
- analysis of Albanian regulations
- data modelling
- development of the webgis platform for the publication of thedata produced
- import/export of data from the Albanian land registry system
- scanning of documents and maps in order to digitise and relate cartographic elements to property. Verification of legal property data, applying the Albanian legal framework, to ensure consistency between digitised geographical data and property titles
- Development of a webgis platform, with preparation of the geodatabase to provide a tool for the verification and reporting of anomalies by all land registry branch offices, each for its own territorial area of competence
- Development of a web-based platform (Work Flow Manager - WFM) for quality control and monitoring of the production of cadastral maps and real estate information, in forest and pasture areas, produced as 1st Registration with automatic production of Quality Control reports
- Participation in technical-organisational meetings with MTE, World Bank and other Suppliers
- Reporting: Initial Report, Interim Report, Data Quality Control Report for each Municipality